We’ve been lucky enough to interview Capt. Brendan McCarthy, expert at Urban Fly Guides this week! Urban Fly Guides offer fantastic salt water fly fishing experiences in New York. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an expert at this relaxing and rewarding sport, Brendan is there to ensure you have the best day possible out on the open waters. Have a read to find out more.
Please could you tell us a bit about the history of Urban Fly Guides and how your experiences began?
Well, I moved to NYC from the West Coast in 1991 to be an actor. The urban environment was great to a point but I needed some outdoor stimuli, so I took at trip to Yellowstone Park and was riveted by all the fly-fishing going on. I decided to put a small boat in Jamaica Bay, about 12 miles from the city, and spent practically every day for a year learning everything I could about fly fishing. Urban Angler, the fly-shop, asked me to guide their clients and I have been lucky to do so ever since.
Have you always had a passion for fishing? How did this begin?
That is a funny question because I didn’t really! I grew up sailing around the Cape and did some surf-casting but it wasn’t until I moved to NYC, ironically, that I really dove into Fly-Fishing.

What would you say is the best thing about the fishing experiences you offer?
I have to say it is the juxtaposition of the cool clean water (and big fish!) and very few people, to the 8 or 9 million humans packed into an area as big as the space you are sharing with 4 or 5 boats.

What makes your fishing experiences different to others?
In my experience, the difference is that I tend to treat fishing days as I would treat time with family and friends. No pressure, lots of joking and relaxing and teaching if people want, or not. I have found that most fishing charters are high pressure with lots of yelling and competing to make the captain look good to other captains (and Facebook!). I feel fortunate to be able to make a living on the water and tend to try and respect the elements and nature as much as possible. I don’t think Mother Nature is a big fan of Alpha Male behavior.
Are your experiences suitable for everyone?
I’d say that is mostly up to Mother Nature and the time of year. We fish in all kinds of weather but as it gets more sporty, younger and older people might struggle. All things being equal, yes, I fish with 4 years old and up.

Have you got any exciting news to share with us?
Most exciting! The NY state DEC has just imposed new Striped Bass limits and have cut the limits by 50%! That is very good news. Also I have just upgraded my fleet to include 2 new boats. A flats boat for summer sight-fishing and a larger 23 footer for deep water stuff. Come and check them out!!
Lastly, is there anything else you’d like to add?
I would like to say “thank you” to Experience Days. I have been lucky to be affiliated with them from the very beginning and always have had the nicest customers! NY State Saltwater is a widely varied and super exciting fishery from NYC to Montauk and Orient Points, there is definitely something for everyone! Thanks!
Thanks for speaking with us!