San Francisco Gift Guide: What to Buy Locals of the City by the Bay
San Franciscans! If you’ve gifts to buy, we can help you. We’ve compiled a list of super and imaginative presents, with most made by, or sourced from, local companies. We've updated our gift guide for 2022, so keep reading to find on our top picks, old and new. This guide considers a bunch of likely personalities – for food-lovers and those fond of a tipple, from sporty to arty, the politically engaged to the person who needs to loosen the grip on their phone, and from wannabe time travelers to those far away folk who are homesick for the city. With prices starting at $5, these gifts won’t break the bank, and whatever the budget, we’d almost guarantee that they’ll garner a smile (even from grumpy Bob, who’s still moaning about the inflatable toast he got in the office secret Santa five years ago).
Table of Contents [ hide show ]
Gifts for artistic types
for the person who should be less glued to their iPhone
Gifts for the
politically engaged
Gifts for sporty/active
Gifts for
Drinking gifts
Gifts for the adventurer
for the ecologist / friend of the Earth / nature-lover
Gifts for the wannabe
time traveler
Gifts for the
homesick San Franciscan
Gifts for the
person who has everything
Gifts for artistic types

Pop Trash – The Amazing Art of Jason Mecier by Jason Mecier
Price: $29.95
As the saying goes, one person’s trash is another’s treasure, and boy, does Jason Mercier create some priceless pop art. A great gift for any modern art lover or pop culture fanatic, in this book from swoonsome San Francisco publisher, Chronicle Books, they’ll be able to feast their eyes on portraits that include: ‘Amy Sedaris assembled from her own trash, David Bowie made out of cosmetics and feathers, Snoop Dogg sculpted out of weed, Justin Timberlake and Miley Cyrus crafted out of candy, and Kevin Bacon bespoke in bacon.’
This fantastical tome also gives a behind-the-scenes look at just how such a gallery is created. So if you fancy cracking out the glue sticks and glitter, you’ll have an idea of what’s involved. As the Chronicle gang ask, just “how much licorice does it take to make Harry Potter?” Buy this book and find out.
Price: $75.00
Aah, Stephen Shore… as someone who could quite literally spend hours gazing at his photographs, I’m a little biased, but I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying this comprehensive collection of his work. A much more respectable endorsement is that of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, whose Pritzker Center for Photography archive includes Shore’s work. A pioneer of using color photography, the influence of his subtle, unglamorous and groundbreaking pictures can be seen all around us. Shore was the first living photographer in 40 years to have a solo show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and when you see this book you’ll understand why.
As an additional treat, if you’re feeling very generous, you could also give a gift membership to SFMOMA, which starts at $120 for a year.
Price: $15.99+
How super is this? A way for your artistic pal to show their creative side even when clutching their phone, this case looks just like a well-used watercolor set. Just remind the recipient that even though it looks real, they should keep their phone away from the brush-cleaning water...
Price: $75.00
Why not encourage artistic pals to turn their talents towards a brand new endeavour with this flower arranging class in San Francisco? For artists who have spent years honing their craft, there is something therapeutic about trying a new art form - and as a bonus, this class allows them to walk away with a beautiful, colorful bouquet of flowers! Your artistic giftee will meet the friendly instructor at a local San Francisco restaurant or bar. There, they can purchase a drink and get ready for two hours of DIY floral fun! All they need to do is show up, as they'll be provided with an apron, clippers, fresh cut flowers and a vase before the lesson begins. The instructor will show the class the tricks of the trade such as composition, color, symmetry and design as your giftee creates their own gorgeous centerpiece that is sure to impress. After the class, they can grab another drink and mingle before taking the beautiful arrangement home.
Price: from $250.00
Here’s a brilliant and unusual artistic adventure – let your loved one create their own glass artwork during an Oakland Glassblowing Class. In this three-hour Bay Area lesson, taught by a local San Francisco artisan, they’ll learn the fundamental skills of glass blowing as they create a glass vessel (vessel sounds like a serious word, doesn’t it?). Taught by experienced glass artist, Bryan Goldenberg (he’s real! He’s not made of glass!), the class will show students how to create beautiful works of art. Plus, after the class is complete and the shape has hardened your friend will be able to pick up their masterpiece to take home and show off to friends and family. And then put in pride of place on the bookcase/coffee table/kitchen windowsill, forever reminded of their jolly glassblowing day.
Gifts for the person who should be less glued to their Phone

The Secret Life of the Pencil – Great Creatives and Their Pencils by Mike Tinney, With Alex Hammond / Laurence King Publishing
Price: $15.99
The Secret Life of the Pencil is a reminder that there’s much that can be achieved without tapping or swiping or gazing intently at a screen. Sharing insights from a bunch of creative powerhouses, this book highlights their pencils (quite literally) and what they’ve achieved with them. For pals who are so digital that they only function in front of a glowing rectangle and may be forgetting how to write their own their name, this will hopefully provide some tactile, real-world inspiration. You could even buy them a pack of pencils, so they can get cracking… These presentable sets from San Francisco-based Cavallini & Co are particularly lovely.
Price: $34.95+ (varies)
To keep their beloved iPhone/iPad/laptop shiny and safe, you could give your gadget-attached pal a lovely DODOcase – handcrafted in San Francisco, no less. Keeping the art of bookbinding alive while combining it with a modern functionality, each case is handmade by craftsfolk in what the DODOcase gang describe as “a happy marriage of tradition and technology.” It’s worth noting, too, that DODOcase launched alongside the Apple iPad in April 2010 as the original bookbound iPad case. Now, with multiple stylish designs available for all-sized Apple gadgets, there’s a beautifully crafted case just waiting for every well-loved device. Plus, for those wanting something even more special, there’s a custom option for creating a bespoke case. Fancy!
Price: $9.99
Bridging the world between the old and the new, how about this cute and witty Password Keeper notebook. Just the thing for keeping a Safe note of the million and one Abracadabra-esque character combos our brains scramble to remember! There’s something pleasing about having an old-school back up of this pertinent info. Plus, it’s an excuse to practise your handwriting, which – birthday cards aside – we never have to use these days. And if they’re not sure about writing everything down – fretting about giving away any secrets – they can have fun encrypting the details as they jot them, just like the spy kits we had as kids (invisible pen not included).
Price: from $140.00
With the world being in a bit of a pickle, we could probably all do with a dose of wilderness training. But for your tech-obsessed nearest ‘n’ dearest, it’s a perfect escape from a life online (it also means they’ll have experienced a spell without electricity, which might be handy given the world’s non-infinite supplies, and the toasty state of global warming. They’ll thank you later!). They might not have wondered what it would have been like to live off of the land, but during this adventure gift, they’ll discover how their ancestors lived – namely, in harmony with nature (and managing quite well, thank you, without an iPhone). Set among the beautiful redwoods of Santa Cruz, this one-day Wilderness Skills Clinic is a great way to get back to nature. The guide will teach basic necessities like building a shelter, making fire and native style traps, and much more! An active day off the grid could be the perfect present!
Gifts for the politically engaged

Images that Shaped the Fight for Equality, 1857–2017 by Helena Reckitt
Price: From $26.99+
A timely publication, as feminists around the world continue to clamber the treacle-covered mountain of equality, hopeful and determined that campaigns such as the MeToo movement have hastened the winds of change. Here this quest is represented by over 350 works of art, accompanied by thoughtful essays analysing the impact of this visual canon. As the book’s (San Francisco-based) publisher’s note: ‘since its inception in the 19th century, the women's movement has harnessed the power of images to transmit messages of social change and equality to the world... this comprehensive international survey traces the way feminists have shaped visual arts and media throughout history [and] showcases the vibrancy of the feminist aesthetic over the last 150 years.’ Incredible.
Additionally, you could toast all the pioneering broads (hats off to you, ladies) with the range of Great Women Spirits (see what they did there?), specifically Maria Gaetana Agnesi Brandy, Countess Walewska Vodka, and Ada Lovelace Gin. Distilled by The Family Coppola, the spirited bottles are, at the time of writing, available in San Francisco from Bevmo, Blackwell’s, Guerrero Hill Market, and Union Square Wine & Spirits (for stockists elsewhere in the US, see here).
Ai Weiwei: Yours Truly – Art, Human Rights, and the Power of Writing a Letter Contributions by Ai Weiwei, Cheryl Haines, David Spalding & Jasmine Heiss; Edited by David Spalding
Price: $24.95
Ai Weiwei: Yours Truly – Art, Human Rights, and the Power of Writing a Letter chronicles the results of a remarkable project by renowned Chinese artist Ai Weiwei. With one participatory piece from his art installation @Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz, visitors sent over 90,000 postcards to prisoners of conscience around the world – and this book investigates the lasting effect those postcards have had. Highlighting how even the smallest acts matter, the book also includes some pre-addressed, tear-out postcards, giving readers the opportunity to send hope to individuals still imprisoned for defending human rights.

Give a donation to a charity or cause your recipient supports
Price: for you to choose
It’s sometimes awkward figuring out if a charity donation is an acceptable gift, but for the politically and ethically savvy, they may well be thrilled to have a contribution made in their name to help their favorite cause. The main thing, of course, is to donate to an organisation you know they support (if you’re not sure, double check with someone close to them).
Incidentally, for this and other gift etiquette questions, we wrote a handy guide, which may help steer you through any sticky present predicaments.
Gifts for sporty/active people

Price: $ varies
For the outdoors type, this will be a godsend. A light, portable chair which folds into its own carry bag, it can go anywhere and everywhere. There are varied designs, including the Stonefly, which includes armrests and cup holders (perfect for festivals), and the 2-Legged Monarch chair, which is the lightest model – weighing in at just 1.3lb! – and also adept for sitting on uneven terrain or hillsides. A little bit of feet-up comfort for your most active pal – nice.
Price: $9.99
A small, practical gift for any on-the-go gadabout, the OXO Good Grips No-Spill Silicone Ice Stick Tray for Water Bottles (I know – it’s a snappy name, eh?) creates ice in a shape that slips into water bottles. Savvy! Perfect for keeping your favorite cyclist/runner/hiker ice-quenchingly cool.
Price: $31.99+
I’ll be honest, I’m one of the least sporty people you could meet (I mean, I don’t even know how many people are on a team. Which team? Any of ‘em), but I want this. What an utterly brilliant bit of sporting merch. And given the rather more shall we say, intrusive, items a fan could be given – not every partner will be thrilled by the branded bedding set, right? – this is low-key. Plus, even if you’re not a 49ers fan, you can still enjoy the toast. If I ever meet the person who came up with this idea I shall shake them by the hand, or curtsy. They are a genius.
Price: from $105
Here’s an adventure! Let your sporty buddy discover the excitement of rock climbing in the popular canyons of Castle Rock State Park, famous for its lush and mossy forest and unusual rock formations. During this four-hour climbing clinic, they’ll learn how to rock climb in one of the most majestic areas of California! Designed for the beginner rock climber, the friendly (and certified) instructor will provide all of the necessary gear, as well as a safety lesson to get your pal acquainted with the equipment. Their expert instructor will teach basic climbing safety, how to tie the appropriate knots, climbing commands, top roping techniques, rope management and an overview of the climbing rating system. Plus, of course, they’ll also learn to climb! This Bay Area climbing experience is a great opportunity to testing strength, endurance and agility in a safe, supportive and fun environment. What a gift!
Gifts for foodies

Price: $50.00
There has been much swooning over this delectable Mission District chocolate factory, and now you, like Willy Wonka, have the power to give your most cocoa-lovin’, sweet-toothed pal a twirl through where the magic happens – by buying them a ticket for a Dandelion Factory tour (if you’re feeling really creative, you could make a golden ticket for them!). The company was set up by owners Todd and Cam back in 2010, and has been lip-smackingly successful, with their hand-molded and hand-packed bars flying out the door so fast you’d think they were wearing little cocoa capes! Now, in addition to their book, Making Chocolate: From Bean to Bar to S’more, and the tour, the Dandelions also offer a handful of classes.
At the time of writing, tours take place nightly Wednesday through Saturday, starting at 6.10pm, with each tour limited to eight lucky winners – sorry, ticket holders.
Price: $125.00
If you need to buy a gift for a San Francisco local who happens to be a big foodie, this Japantown food tour ticks all the boxes. Japanese cuisine is an evolving, exciting food scene - and San Francisco's Japantown is a great place to discover it. During this three hour guided food tour, your giftee will discover a smorgasbord of flavors offered at unique eateries only found in this neighborhood. They'll start by meeting their local food guide in Japantown, before being escorted to the incredible Asian markets, mom and pop shops and hidden gems that many locals don't even know about! As they learn about the colorful past and history of Japantown, they'll stop at six to seven eateries to sample mouth-watering morsels featuring specialty ingredients unique to Japanese cooking. With sweet potato lattes, okonomiyaki (Japanese frittata), a sweet and savory mochi from one of Japantown’s first businesses, and authentic Masala dosa with chutney, this tour will leave your giftee wanting more.
Price: $19.95
Ah, the grilled cheese sandwich – the ultimate in comfort food. Give your favourite foodie the gift of a fancy grilled cheese repertoire, with this book from the folk behind The American Grilled Cheese Kitchen. The Kitchen was set up in 2010 by Heidi Gibson and Nate Pollak, in the midst of the recession. Having both been laid off from their office jobs – and with Heidi having recently won her 7th national grilled cheese championship! – they decided to turn professional. In the years since, they’ve opened two Bay Area restaurants (in addition to having a mobile team that caters events) and amongst other accolades, they’ve been voted "Best Grilled Cheese in the U.S." by Food & Wine, and "30 Best Sandwiches in San Francisco” by SFist.
Price: from $90.00
What could give your foodie friend a better birthday buzz than this Honey Tasting Beekeeping Workshop? During this three-hour experience, they’ll discover the ancient art of beekeeping, learning about bees, honey and the hive from the folk at Gerard’Z Honeybees – the best beekeepers in the business! With over 100 years of history, they will pass on four generations of fun facts and information. From the importance of nectar to pollination of flowers, wild bee colonies and beehives, with this comprehensive introduction, your recipient will earn their first beekeeping stripes! Once the demonstration is complete, your pal will enjoy an hour-long honey and wine tasting to further enhance their newly gained knowledge. Sweet!
Drinking Gifts

Price: $75.00
Price: varies
Trailblazing royalty in the cinema world, the Coppolas’ empire encompasses more than their incredible films. With The Family Coppola, they produce wines at the Francis Ford Coppola Winery which, amongst other accolades, was voted Winery of the Year in the 2017 San Francisco International Wine competition. Director Francis and his wife Eleanor Coppola had bought Napa Valley’s once acclaimed Inglenook Estate in the early 70s. Following the financially turbulent times after the release of Apocalypse Now, they wondered if they could learn to turn the estate’s grapes into great wine. After a haphazard start, their first bottles went on sale in 1985, and the company has gone on to phenomenal, grape-squishing success. They sell many delicious wines, some of which have a fun film theme – such as this Great Movies Collection, comprising bottles of King Kong Cabernet, Wizard of Oz Merlot and Jaws Chardonnay. More recently, The Family Coppola have created the Great Women Spirits range – a brandy, vodka and gin named after sensational broads. Cheers to that.
Price: from $12.00
Here’s an entirely handy thing, and an especially great gift for any social butterflies who like to host a dinner party or three. There won’t be any more fretting as to who’s half-drunk wine is whose with these Wine Glass Writer Pens – just scribble a name on each glass, and voila! It won’t only be the person with the distinguishing lipstick mark who’ll be able to find their glass. And when the party’s over, the pen mark will simply wash off in soapy water. Genius.
Price: $6.00
Tadich Grill is the oldest restaurant in California, with roots in San Francisco that can be traced back to 1849; the Coffee Stand tent that opened on Long Wharf went through a number of reincarnations and locations, becoming the Tadich Grill in 1913. One of this institution’s best-loved staples is their signature Bloody Mary – and with this gift, any Tadich Grill fan, or keen drinker, will be able to rustle one up any time from the comfort of their own home. Of course, you could put together a gift box containing all the Bloody Mary ingredients, so your recipient can enjoy a celebratory drink as swiftly as they wish. Maybe they’ll make you one, too.
Price: $190.00
No San Francisco drink gift guide would be complete without a mention of the iconic Napa Valley. This vineyard tour will help your giftee discover the allure of world-famous Napa Valley with their expert guide. Their adventure begins in the morning, when they're picked up at their preferred San Francisco location. They will then travel in style in a comfortable and eco-friendly luxury bus, while their friendly and experienced tour guide keeps them entertained on route. Highlights of this vineyard tour include stops at three boutique California Wineries along Napa’s Silverado Trail, where your giftee will hear the unique stories behind each winery and enjoy tastings of award-winning wines. During the tour they will also stop at the gourmet Oxbow Public Market in Napa, where they will have the opportunity to browse the stands and purchase lunch. After they visit the last winery, they can sit back and relax, take a nap, or enjoy the beautiful scenery as they make their way back to San Francisco.
Gifts for the adventurer

Living Maps, An Atlas of Cities Personified By Adam Dant
Price: $35.00
In Living Maps, An Atlas of Cities Personified, artist and creative cartographer Adam Dant presents imaginative and eclectic maps for 28 cities around the world. As Chronicle Books reveal, “Adam dissects Manhattan in an anatomical diagram, traces the form of a Picasso nude in the streets of Monaco, and transforms the crisscrossing paths of boats on the Bosporus into the nerves of Istanbul. Dant draws on the history, culture, and geography of each city and on the beguiling aesthetic of antique maps to create gorgeous works of cartographic art. Witty, insightful... this book will capture the imaginations of travelers, map enthusiasts, history buffs, and dreamers.” So, a delightful gift for any adventurer.
Price: $50.00
Whenever I’m gadding about on planes, it seems a lot of folk have a pillow like these... which makes me feel as though I’ve missed a trick and will be having a much less comfy snooze. Don’t let your most air mile-friendly mate miss out! Get them one of these snug and adaptable Ostrichpillows, described as ‘a revolutionary power-napping device’. Super!
Price: $8.82
However far they roam, while helping them chart their adventures, this beautifully designed notebook will also remind your globe-trotting pal of home. Filled with lined pages and hand-lettered quotations, they’ll be able to add their thoughts and stories, tucked away for re-living later. Because no matter how much you think you’ll remember, there’s nothing quite like a hand-written record of your days, however thrilling or seemingly mundane.
Price: from $300.00
A nostalgic experience, this biplane ride will take the lucky recipient over Sonoma in a 1942 WWII open cockpit biplane. What’s even more thrilling is that this is an aerobatic flight – so quite the heart-flipping adventure! Your about-to-be-airborne pal will don their flying cap, climb onto the wing and into the front seat of a 1942 WWII Boeing PT-17 Stearman. Then It’s chocks away as this beautiful trip into a bygone era begins. They’ll get to know how the pioneers of flight felt as they are taken over the fields, hills and bays of stunning Southern Sonoma, enjoying views of the gorgeous fields and vineyards below. After they’ve taken in the sights on the more tranquil leg of the flight, their pilot will then climb to the right altitude to perform the loops and rolls. If they’re up for it, they will get to experience the famous Cuban Eight – crikey! Whether a vintage plane enthusiast or a thrill-seeker, this is a splendid gift for any adventurer.
Gifts for the ecologist / friend of the earth / nature-lover

Price: from $35
Membership to the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy will give your nature-loving friend the pleasure of supporting the organization’s work – namely, since 1981, providing over $500 million of support to the Golden Gate National Parks (including Muir Woods, Crissy Field, Alcatraz, The Marin Headlands, Stinson Beach, Lands End and The Presidio), and pioneering innovative stewardship and education programs. Of course, they’ll also get to enjoy the benefits of being a member, of which these are just a handful: invitations to members-only hikes and tours, free admission to Park Academy classes and other special events, and a discount on purchases made at park stores and other national park bookstores across the country. A gift that will keep on giving.
Price: $27.29
And while we’re on the subject of national parks, here’s something which celebrates them in a breathtakingly beautiful way. The legendary Ansel Adams, photographer and keen campaigner for protecting natural areas, traveled to more than 40 parks national parks – among them, Yosemite, Yellowstone and Glacier National Park – capturing those and other wilderness spots in extraordinary photographs, over 200 of which are gathered in this book. Many of the photos are rarely seen, and some have never before been published, so this book will be a special wonder for any park appreciator.
Price: $12.95
We should all be thinking of the planet with what we (over)consume, and this gift will certainly go a little easier on the earth’s precious resources. Whether eating at their desk, on the go, or when they can’t find a knife at a friend’s weekend BBQ, this portable, and stylish, utensil set will always be useful – and will put a spring in your friend’s step, knowing there’s less plastic landing in the garbage thanks to having it on hand.
Price: from $100.00
A blissful gift for those who love to be at one with nature. With this active eco-tour they’ll enjoy a beautiful morning kayaking from the Sand Harbor into the waters of the pristine Lake Tahoe, able to view hidden natural gems only seen from the water. They’ll learn about the geology, geography, ecology, natural and human history of Lake Tahoe as they paddle past large boulders that jut out of the water, and around white granite rocks. There will be a stop for lunch on a beautiful north shore beach where they can take a dip or soak up some sun before heading back to Sand Harbor. Delightful.
And in case you’re wondering… ability-wise, this is a moderately hard kayak tour.
Gifts for the wannabe time traveler

Price: $24.99
How adorable are these?! A set of four vintage-looking coasters, each depicting a view of that marvel of engineering – and imagination – the Golden Gate Bridge. An enlivening drinks mat for any mug or glass to settle on, the set is presented in a jolly stylish box, and looks as though it might have been sitting in your grandma’s closet for the last fifty years. In a good way.
Price: $329.99
This rather lovely Art Deco-inspired clock looks like something you might have picked up in an antique store (or if you had been time-traveling, pinched from Hercule Poirot’s apartment). An elegant, heirloom-esque addition to any home. Made in the US, it’s available from the rather fantastic Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco store, and Modern Artisans.
Price: from $949.00
Let your nostalgic loved one take to the skies in this time-traveling treat. They’ll fly in one of the most highly recognized fighters from WWII, the inimitable P40 Kittyhawk (Warhawk). Flown by the flying tigers, only a couple dozen of these famed beauties are left flying, only 3 with dual controls, and only one you can take a flight in. Once in the air, they’ll get the chance to take over the controls and actually fly this vintage World War II Plane! Whether they choose to sit back and simply enjoy this scenic flight over Sonoma, try their hand at flying a historic aircraft, or request that the pilot performs a few precision aerobatics, including loops and rolls (crumbs!), this vintage aircraft flight is an unforgettable unique gift for anyone with a sense of history and adventure.
Gifts for the homesick San Franciscan

Price: $40.00
It’s not a snow globe, oh no, it’s a fog globe! A little kitsch which also brings that special San Fran fogginess to your homesick buddy’s corner of the world, you can pick this up in the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco shop. And if you’re shipping it, don’t forget to pick up some bubble wrap or those pesky packing peanuts!
Price: $45.00
This photography book is a captivatingly film noir-esque portrait of San Francisco. Photographer Fred Lyons, a lifelong city resident, studied under Ansel Adams, and his work has been exhibited at SFMOMA, the Legion of Honor Museum, the Leica Gallery, and the Art Institute of Chicago. San Francisco Noir has been described as “exploring the hidden corners of [Lyon’s] native city... These strikingly evocative duotone images expose a view of San Francisco as only Fred Lyon could capture.” A stunning gift, then, giving a glimpse of the city to a far-away local.
Price: $104.95+
It would be something of an understatement to say that Tony Gemignani knows how to make a prize-winning pie. In fact, the victor in many an international pizza championship, he’s been crowned Best Pizza Romana at the World Championship of Pizza Makers, and World Champion Pizza Maker at the World Pizza Cup in Naples, Italy – the first American and non-Neapolitan winner. Tony’s Pizza Napoletana is nestled in North Beach, but that needn’t feel far away for your loved one – GoldBelly will deliver a pie (might we say, a slice of home?) to anywhere in the US. A lip-smackingly good option.
Gifts for the person who has everything

Letters of Note: An Eclectic Collection of Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience by Shaun Usher / Chronicle Books
Price: $59.97
Letters of Note is truly wondrous, compiling a magical assortment of letters – from Queen Elizabeth II sending a scone recipe to President Eisenhower, to former slave Frederick Douglass writing to his former master – in a book that will entertain, surprise, inspire, and restore your faith in humanity. Produced following the success of editor Shaun Usher’s website of the same name (if you’ve not already seen it, do hop over and take a look), the book’s huge, and deserving, popularity made way for a second volume, More Letters of Note, as well as Lists of Note, and the forthcoming Speeches of Note. Literally every home should have a copy of this book (I would go so far as to see it would be a rum human who didn’t read this and feel a better, happier person for it!).
Price: from $150+
Price: Various prices
Edie Parker’s accessories are ludicrously delectable, and pretty much the only thing that could make them even more off-the-chart special is being bespoke. Label founder Brett Hayman (the company is named after her daughter) has an obvious love of mid-century design, which radiates through her creations. While growing up in LA she began collecting clutch bags from the 1950s and 1960s. When they became increasingly hard to find, she decided to create her own. Made from hand-poured acrylic, her bags and coasters are colorful and irreverent, and surely can’t help but make anyone who receives them gobsmackingly happy.
Price: $12.00
Price: $10.00
They do say that the best things come in small packages, and here’s a tiny token of love and appreciation. If you know a good soul or, even more spectacular, an actual hero, why not acknowledge it, and let them wear their amazingness with pride. Created by artist Carissa Potter in celebration of the Color Factory museum, the pins are sold at San Francisco boutique, Heroshop. And incidentally, all sales from the Nice Person pin benefit Larkin Street Youth Services (which, since 1984, has given more than 75,000 young people a safe place to rebuild their lives). So you can buy it knowing that you’re helping some pretty Nice People do great work.
Price: from $2,000.00
This is a mind-boggling ace – and unique – gift. Your loved one will work with a renowned songwriter to create their own song. So for anyone who’s ever heard a song on the radio and said, “that sounds like it was written for me!” – well, now it really can be. If someone you know has always dreamed of becoming a musician, this is the perfect treat. Working directly with a songwriter, they’ll discuss the topic of their song, and will be involved in as much of the process as they choose, from picking the musical style to framing the lyrics. And after receiving the song in “demo”, the recipient may have the opportunity to perform in a professional recording studio. Once the song has been completed they’ll receive the CD “master” recording and printed lyrics making this a “tune-ful” gift!
Happy Shopping!
Phew! That brings us to the end of our San Francisco gift guide, updated for 2022. We’ve tried our best to find thoughtful, affordable gifts for all types of San Franciscan, and we hope you’ve found a little inspiration amongst our recommendations - old and new.
To browse our full range of awesome experience gift certificates, you can visit the Xperience Days website, here. Alternatively, if you’ve questions or comments concerning any of the unique gifts listed above – don’t be a stranger! Please do get in touch via the comments section below.